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Out of the mouth of Baby's

In the last 3 days I have been performing in daycare centres (Bambini's and Tadpoles ) and it has been a beautiful interesting challenge. My explanations have to be short and sweet, with a lot of expression and movement. Talking is kept to a minimum and dancing to a maximum.

Their bright faces, excitement and energy are contagious , and I love it. I can literally feel their anticipation and excitement. But I think they have a lot of what adults seem to loose ....CURIOSITY -(which is Leonardo Da Vince 1st of 7 principles ) we need it to learn.

One of the children came up to me and said "What are you doing here"? I told him and he looked at me and walked away. As I was setting up another child said to me "How much are you"? I said theres 1 of me, and he said "I'm 3" I had to laugh to myself. The questions started coming in fast and thick, but I was saved by the daycare educator lady, that took them out side.

As I am performing their faces say it all, Their faces are my cue to know when to move on or stay. It is a honour and privilege to dance for these children,while teaching them my love for culture.

All I can say is that Children are BEAUTIFUL , UN-JUDGEMENTEL AND FULL OF LIFE.

This is a video of one of the daycare ladies giving feedback of my performance

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