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Books, knowledge, power

Books give us amazing insight, knowledge and Power to transform our lives, these books I am blogging about are a big part of my life and a big part of who I am. But reading and applying are two different things. I try to use these ideas and concept every day with myself and especially with children that I have the privilege of performing to. These books help me, I know they can help you.

9th Book - The 1000 most important questions you will ever ask yourself. By Alyss thomas

10th Book - No Excuse! By Jay Rifenbary

An extract from the thousand most important questions you will ever asked yourself.

What is the value

a value is a guiding belief or attitude that will run your life for you. We all have values, and they underpin and direct our lives. If we don't know what our values are, they run our lives anyway, so you might as well be clear about what they are.

Then they give you a list of different types of values, for example. Self value, spiritual values, personal qualities, image values, your most highly valued resources, lifestyle values, how about you, & attitude values.

This book is like a Worksheet, you assess yourself on what values you have by going down the list of each different type of value. An example of attitude values. It says, these attitudinal values are about your preferences in your basic approach to every day life. These things are much harder to change as they are more intrinsic to your personality and your psychological make-up choose 10 from the list of 20.

1. being confident

2. being positive and optimistic

3. being realistic

4. having a good sense of humour

5. being tolerant

6. being open-minded

7. knowing exactly where you stand on important issues

8. needing plenty of information before you make a decision or complete a project

9. being excepting

10. Being adventurous and curious

11. Being friendly

12. Being cautious

13. Enjoying taking risks

14. Preferring lots of contact and stimulation

15. Preferring to focus on one thing at a time

16. Saying yes to lots of new experiences

17. Saying no to lots of new experiences

18. Preferring security

19. Preferring change

20. Meeting life Full on

No excuses

When you live a no excuse life, you'll never again allow yourself to be push by circumstance or other people's desires that aren't in your best interest. You will clearly see where and when it is your opportunity and responsibility to make a decision. You will accept responsibility for the actions you take that contribute to your failures and successes. You will not blame anyone else for your failures, nor will be self centred in regard to your success. You will always be aware of the part you play in both. When you live a no excuse life, you will be drawn towards your dreams.

This is an awesome book. Jay Rafenbary was in the military, and that is where he draws a lot of his experience from.

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