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Two More books

Here are Two more books I am adding my list.I said I was going to add 5 at a time but I have changed my mind and will add 2 books every day.

1st Book. How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci ( By Michael Gelb)

2nd Book The surprising truth about what motivates us. DRIVE (By Daniel H. Pink)

These are great books to read, however I am still reading Daniel Pinks book "Drive"

How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci.

Learning from Leonardo

Baby ducks learn to survive by imitating their mothers. Learning through imitation is fundamental to many species, including humans. As we become adults, have a unique advantage: new models to replace the old ones we outgrow. It makes sense, therefore, to choose the best role models to guide and inspire us towards the realisation of our potential.

In the book of geniuses Tony Buzan and Raymond Keene make the world's first objective attempt to rank the greatest geniuses of history. Breaking the subject in categories including "originality", "versatility", "dominance in the field," "universality- of- vision," and "strength and energy", they offer the following as the top ten.

10. Albert Einstein

9. Phidias (Architect of Athens)

8. Alexander the Great

7. Thomas Jefferson

6. Sir Isaac Newton

5. Michaelangelo

4. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

3. the great pyramid builders

2. William Shakespeare

And the the greatest genius of all time, according to Buzan and Keene's exhaustive research? Leonardo da Vinci.

This is a brilliant talk from Michael Gelb, that might help you understand how amazing this book"Thinking like Leonardo Da Vinci" is. You will learn the "Seven Da Vincian Principles" that can help you with life. Get taught by the one of the masters, who lived 500 years ago. If you don't know Italian,then you will have to get the book or listen to this video.

1. Curiosita

2. Dimonstrazione

3. Sensazione

4. Sfumato

5. Arte/ Scienza

6. Corporalita

7. Connessione

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